As Beth mentioned last week, we are living the lull of a year-long engagement – there’s only so much to do in advance! This couldn’t have been timed any better, though, since I co-hosted a bridal shower just a couple weeks ago, attended a bachelorette party last weekend, am co-hosting another shower at the end of this month, have a wedding to attend in June, planning a bachelorette party for July and am in that wedding in August! For his part, Ryan is just starting some classes next week, is still in the long process of training at work and is also looking to log more flying hours to finish up his instrument ratings – so we are both quite busy!
Beth offered some great advice on things to do during the down time, and we’ve actually done many of those. I signed up for a full six months of pilates and will be getting facials every 6-8 weeks (I’ve always wanted to do this anyway, so now I have the best excuse for it!). I’m also trying to drink more water, which I should be doing regardless of the wedding. I’ve purchased the bridesmaids’ gifts and we’ve discussed the groomsmen and starting thinking about our parents too. Our honeymoon is booked (yay!). We’ve registered, although we will need to clean that up as the wedding nears given the fact that many items “are no longer available.” I have my jewelry and a potential veil, and I’ve also purchased and returned one pair of shoes (they were too high), so the hunt is on for a second pair. So…I guess that leaves us spending some quality time together!
Ryan and I cook dinner together most every day, but we also try to have a weekly date night out. Last week that consisted of an attempted trip to Lake Elsinore to see Manny Ramirez play in a minor league baseball game. After about 20 minutes in traffic and figuring out that Lake Elsinore is 70 miles away, we turned around and headed off to try a new place for happy hour – and this was a much happier experience!