I have a new obsession called Barry’s Bootcamp. You may have already heard of this place since it’s a favorite among a handful of celebs, but I highly recommend it for brides, grooms or really anyone in the Southern California area or any of these locations. I’ve personally been going for about 6 weeks now and I feel oh, so much fitter and my clothes are even falling a little better. The class consists of fast paced intervals that range from strength training, bootcamp style exercises (think pushups, burpees, etc) and running, lots and lots of running. It’s intense to say the least but their passionate trainers (my personal fav is Ricardo) are so inspiring and I LOVE the fact that the room is nightclub dark. That, paired with a somewhat gritty atmosphere, makes me all that less insecure when I’m dripping with sweat. Anyway, if you’re in the area, definitely check them out. It’s the PERFECT workout for getting into shape or even releasing a bit of wedding related anxiety.