I feel like if you are reading this blog then you absolutely have to know about Style Me Pretty. It is an absolute must read if you are planning your wedding or even if you are in the industry. I love it with every piece of my heart. I’ve been a Little Black Book member for a couple of years now, and with Abby, the editor’s, sense of style, I can only blush every time I think of the honor she has given me by including Beth Helmstetter Events in her list of favorites. The only thing that makes me more humble is when she gives me a little blog love. Click here, here, here and here to read the most recent posts she wrote on Beth Helmstetter Events and one of the events I recently planned. But, as I always say, please, please don’t stop there. Check her blog out everyday. She gives amazing inspiration from some of the nation’s best wedding vendors in bite sized pieces which can be devoured in a quick minute or provide hours and hours of entertainment!