I’m so thrilled to share our behind the scenes project that has been taking up all of our time as of late. Born out of a hope to share our work and inspiration in a more beautiful way, our vision has come to life in the pages of our mini mag, DARLING. We hope you enjoy following along as we share not only some of our recent work, planning tips and trade secrets but also give you access to some of the experts we know and trust on a daily basis, such as Monique Lhullier or Interior Designer, Amanda Teal, both of which you will find inside this month’s issue. Along the way you will also get a taste of some of our designs like this month’s tablescape which is full of peachy goodness. Or, in the form of one of our favorite weddings, which took place in the Hamptons last year. But not only are we going to show you WHAT we do, we hope to show you HOW we do it, so maybe, just maybe, you’ll find the inspiration and know how to keep your wedding planning & design moving along effortlessly.
So, take a peek, let us know what you think and if you have the time, even let us know who you would like to hear from or what you want to read about! We have lots in store for you over the next few issues but would love to create the pages with the input of our regular blog followers and consistent readers. Enjoy!