This is probably more information than one should share on their blog, but I recently was turned down by a potential client. Truth be told, it happens to all of us and sometimes even frequently. Maybe the budget is the issue. Sometimes everyone appears good on paper, but personalities don’t mesh and on occasion it’s the aesthetic of all involved that just doesn’t blend. No matter the reason, it happens to the best of us and is to be expected! Anyway, I don’t bring up this rejection just to over share, but rather, I mention it because the couple was so lovely about the “breakup” and even apologetic that they chose another planner. While, I loved the courtesy of actually telling me they went another direction and felt even more disappointed when I realized what a thoughtful couple I would not get to work with, the truth is, it actually feels like I’ve dodged a bullet when potential client’s tell me something just isn’t fitting for them. No matter the reason, if it doesn’t feel right, it’s no fun for anyone including me and my team if there is any sort of reservation about working together. Apprehension in hiring your planner results in more nerves than normal throughout the planning process and even almost guarantees there will be some disappointment along the way. Hiring your second choice planner means you will always be comparing him or her to your first choice and essentially is a recipe for disaster! So, if you’re reading this and are having any reservations about the planner you are considering hiring, go another direction. I promise, if she’s experienced, she will be thankful that she didn’t end up on the bad end of a lukewarm planning relationship and she will more than likely, even move on to another couple who is the perfect match for her and her style. We all love what we do as planners, but what we love even more is the people we get to work with and I think I can speak for many planners, when I say we want you to love everything about us too! It’s more than just thinking we are nice, creative and/or organized. It needs to be the whole package. So, don’t feel guilty or uncomfortable for one second if you go another direction. In the end, we are all better off!