My second passion aside from weddings & parties is cooking. I don’t get to do it enough, but my daily blog roster for personal satisfaction includes sites like 101 cookbooks, Eat Drink Chic & Canille et Vanille. My love for cooking goes beyond just the mixing ingredients. It’s the art of the presentation that really gets me. While sometimes it feels like I’m stepping on toes, when planning a wedding, I do just love to get in there with the caterer and chat presentation from time to time as I think, if done right, the food presentation can be the finishing touch to really bring a vision to reality. Now, I don’t claim to be a chef or anywhere close to it, but I do think there is a lot of inspiration to be found for your wedding or any party in the art of food.
This week I spent a few days in Hawaii and was reminded of all the Hawaiian culture has to offer. Many of these items below have been served at my events in the Islands. If going local is too casual for you on the wedding day, I highly recommend giving your guests the opportunity to experience some of these culinary comforts at the rehearsal dinner or Mahalo brunch. Aloha!
From top to bottom: Fish Tacos best when made with fresh Mahi Mahi, Coconut Shrimp with mango marmalade, Ahi Poke, Old School Macaroni Salad, Pineapple Fried Rice from 101 Cookbooks, Sweet Potatoes with Macadamia Nuts from 101 Cookbooks, Mochi, Coconut and Lemon Cream Balls from Cannelle et Vanille, Tropical Sorbets from Canelle et Vanille, and wash it down with a yummy but dangerous Lychee Martini.