Hello, all!  I am so honored to be part of the Beth Helmstetter Events team and super excited to contribute to the blog each week.   I’ll share some of my insights, tips I’ve learned along the way, fun new things every girl should know about, and all-around loveliness that is out in this world.    

Beth truly made me blush with her glowing commentary on my skills – and that got me thinking: glowing… blush… calm… all important keys to good skin care, so let’s begin my blogging there!  This will be Part 1 of a series on skin care, including tips, products, and advice from some very trusted aestiticians and industry professionals.    

It seems that a clear, glowing complexion is never more important than on a girl’s wedding day.  Each person’s skin is unique to them, so while there isn’t a cure-all, there are some things you can do to give your skin a fighting chance for putting your best face forward.   

To kick things off, let’s all just take a deep breath and relax a bit.  You guessed it: cutting down on stress and being more relaxed is one of the simplest ways to improve your complexion.  I know, easier said than done, right?  There is a lot of stuff going on – you are getting married after all!  And while we planners try to alleviate the stress associated with planning a wedding, some of it can still creep in from other areas of life like work, your relationships, or just the excitement and anxiety of the actual wedding day.   

Many scientific researchers have found a direct link between stress and adult acne.  One culprit is oil.   When we are stressed, our hormones are running higher than usual, which causes skin to secrete more oil, which can clog your pores and lead to acne.  Even worse, stress can lead to weight gain, increased blood pressure, and other adverse physical attributes. Ick!  
Come back next week for another trick to keep your skin aglow…