Ever since my Cowboy Themed Baby Shower was featured on Hostess with the Mostess , I’ve received many questions about the invitations. Truth be told they were a DIY project that my team created and might even be good for your own events. The wood look was perfect for our Western theme and could be good if you are also inspired by the Old West or even if you just like the feel that wood brings to your event.
~Computer program to layout invitation (I personally used Photoshop, but you could use something more basic like Paint)
~8.5×11 heat transfer sheets (I bought mine at Target, but Michael’s or Wal-Mart also has them)
~4×6 mini slabs of wood (Approximately $1.50 for 2 slabs at Michael’s craft store in their unfinished wood department)
~Iron to iron-on the heat transfer sheets

1. Before getting started, set your page settings to 4×6 so you are designing on the right size of “paper”. From there layout the invitation using whatever font you prefer. I chose the Outlaw font because it felt a bit western and was perfect for my cowboy theme, but definitely play around with what feels right for your event. 2. Once the invitation is layed out exactly as you like on the computer, use the “flip” command to make a mirror image of your invitation.

3. Once you have a mirror image it’s time to print your file. Make sure to buy plenty of extra paper as there is a lot of room for error when it’s time to transfer the paper onto the wood.

4. Place the paper, print side down, onto the slab of wood. Place a well heated iron on top of the paper and press as long as the instructions advise. Mine took about 45 seconds each, but every heat transfer paper is different.

5. Voila! you have a wood invitation. I personally sent mine out in craft paper wrapping filled with hay and sealed with a red gingham ribbon, but there are many options to consider for your presentation.

One word of caution: Expect to make several errors during the iron on process. For example, every third invitation I made was unusable. This being said, I definitely do not recommend this project if you are sending out a ton of invitations. I personally only needed 10 so it worked well for me, but if you are having a larger party, definitely, definitely, definetly hire a professional. From my experience, DIY projects are only fun when you only need a few perfect specimens!