I thought going all the way to Texas that I would have to sacrifice the company of many of my friends, but there were actually 10 of us coming from Los Angeles, San Diego, Missouri and Virginia! We went out on the town Friday and Saturday nights, weathered the heat and the sea of burnt orange for the game on Saturday and then brunched on Sunday after walking around the twice-annual street fair.

It was such a memorable weekend and I am so lucky to have such great friends to have shared it with!
Now back to planning…Most of my posts regarding over the last year have been pretty “general,” and it’s nice to share all the activities, but I don’t think that gives a complete look into what actually goes into planning a wedding. No, not all weddings are the same, and some people choose to keeps things nice and simple, but a lot of weddings today are definitely more elaborate and detailed than they used to be!
So just to paint a little picture…here is something I stopped and wrote last week, as it happened.
It’s 11:00am on Tuesday, the wedding is 25 days away, and the following has occurred:
– There have been 11 emails exchanged regarding the escort card tags, starting with an emailed link from my sister on the card she would like to use.
– There have been 8 emails exchanged regarding the menu wording and other food signage plus about a 10 minute “gchat” conversation simultaneously with my mom. This is simply a continuation of a conversation started yesterday with about 4 or so back and forth emails.
This is just one morning and we have actually touched on most of this in the past!
That night the planning continued with a very long phone call to my mom to go over the final balances due (when, how much, credit card or check – yes, Beth emailed this information to us but my mom still wanted to go over it all with me to make sure we’re all on the same page and she got it all right) and also the seating chart. Thank goodness for technology…I had written all over the layout Beth sent me and was able to just take a picture of it on my iPhone and send it to my mom so we were looking at the same layout with notes – very helpful! Beth then sent a blown-up version of the table layout with little numbers around each one for us to assign a person to each seat at the table, which I had completed by Thursday night, only to have one of Ryan’s friends contact him on Friday to let us know he actually would not be able to make it. We were really bummed to hear this because we’re sad he won’t be there to share in the celebration. Plus…his table already had an extra seat and now would have another so…back to the seating drawing board we go!
By the end of the week, most of the signs for the cocktail hour and reception had been printed, the programs were all printed, and the plates for the letterpressed menus and cocktail napkins are in the works. My sister also ordered the escort cards, and we’ll wait until as close to the wedding as possible to write the table numbers in case of any other changes. All in all everything is on track as we get down to the final 20 days and more importantly no one going crazy!