It’s been a year since I tied the knot. So, what have I learned? Nothing! {Kidding}. Click below to read the full scoop on what I’ve learned in my first year after saying “I Do.”
1. Nothing is different {except everything is different}: My brother advised me time and time again that marriage doesn’t really change anything. So if you are happy on a day to day basis in your relationship, then it’s going to be exactly the same when you’re married. He was definitely right, to an extent. Marriage didn’t change anything between Grant and I but it changed everything because it meant that my world would forever be intertwined with his. Marriage changes everything because it’s the real deal, the créme de la créme and it’s the center of my universe.
2. Don’t sweat the small stuff: So he left the toilet seat up {again}, he plays golf too much and maybe doesn’t brush his teeth every night . . . in the grand scheme of things who really cares!? Are you going to break up over it? {No} Are you going to make him sleep on the couch because he has bad breath? {No} This year I’ve learned the art of letting go of small {stupid} things that tick me off. And I’ll tell you what, we hardly ever fight because nothing is worth it anymore.
3. Share experiences: He loves Golf. I love Fashion. He likes to stay current on real estate and listen to Howard Stern. I like to stay current on Pinterest and listen to seminars about blogging. We have our separate interests, which is uber important, but what’s equally important is sharing experiences together. We love travel, date nights and morning dance offs in front of the dogs. Intertwining your life experiences with each other is what keeps the conversations flowing over a glass of wine.
4. You are a family now: This is probably the weirdest feeling since being married. Grant is my family now. No I didn’t write off the rest of my family {never!} but Grant is really the #1 person who I have to make decisions with, plan with and share everything with. This was a touch hard for me and believe me, I still call my Mom & Dad for everything, but Grant and the pups and I make our own little family unit. It’s a pretty incredible thing.
5. Always talk {about money}: Talk. Talk. Talk. I say talk.talk.talk about money because it’s always a sore subject. Before marriage I didn’t have to talk with anyone about money other than myself {and it was a pretty short conversation in my head}. Having to answer questions about why I chose to spend $2k on a bag isn’t the funnest experience in the world. But the more open we are about our spending and the more frequent we talk about it, the less stress that we feel from it. Whether I like it or not, our money is now shared so we have to share why we spend $$$ on things with each other too.