I recently had the pleasure of planning T.’s Bar Mitzvah. T is this amazing young guy with a love for good ole’ classic rock. AC/DC, GNR, Santana, Aerosmith and so on and so on. This combined with his love for pop art and T’s theme was born.
Place cards were concert tickets. The staff were the groupies for the night wearing t-shirts that donned a picture of the guest of honor. A lounge area was created for VIPs only and everything from the napkins to the menu caterered to T.’s personal choices.
While the adults had their own menu, the kids munched on chicken fingers, mac and cheese and ice cream sundaes. Their lounge area came complete with buckets of Izze, Capri Suns and anything else they could possibly want.
The flowers reflected the parent’s organic and avante garde style while still adding to the Warholesque tone that had been set by the invitations and sign in board.
Activities included a photobooth for the kids, (though the adults enjoyed it just as much), black light tattoos and T’s band playing a set. Starting off with Johnny B. Good, T was able to show off a bit of his guitar skills. The night couldn’t have been more personal of the guest of honor and the parents.
As certain laws go, I can only show images without faces of minors but I still wanted to share a few pics for your pleasure. These really do not show the full impact of the event, but trust me it was a blast. To see more pictures, visit http://www.jacobgalleries.com.

Oh, and let’s not forget the vendors:
DJ: Marty Glassman, http://www.sounddecisiondj.com
Florist: Holly Flora (of course) http://www.hollyflora.com
Photographer: Jacob Atmodojojo http://www.jacobgalleries.com
Linens: BBJ Linens http://www.bbjlinens.com
Catering: The Kitchen for Exploring Foods http://www.thekitchen.net
Dance Floor: Barker Decor Services http://www.barkerdecorservice.com
Lounge: AB Elements http://www.abelements.com
T-Shirt & Place card Design: Your truly