The dressing area on your wedding day, can and potentially should be, a sacred space. For that reason, depending on family dynamics, friends who may or may not get along and more, it can be a little challenging to want to include everyone in your space. That said, if you’re lucky enough not to have any of the aforementioned issues, or you simply know the day will be fun, no matter what the dynamic, below are the key people to consider including in your hair an makeup schedule:
The wedding day is almost as important for a mom (whether the mother of a bride, groom, etc), as the one getting married. They’ve been dreaming about this day for a very long time and most moms love nothing more than to be included.
This one goes without saying that one of the key roles of a bridesmaid is to spend the day getting pampered along side of the one getting married.

While most flower girls need nothing more than a few curls and a bit of blush on their cheeks, it can be fun for them to be a part of the getting ready time. One key note is depending on age, children don’t always have the attention span for the entire day. Schedule them later in the day and plan on them only being in the room 20 minutes or so.
While siblings are often a part of the bridal party, if they’re not you may want to invite them to get ready with you.
While this inclusion isn’t always a given, it’s worth offering up the option. Some grandmothers revel in the opportunity to get ready with the other VIPs.
Sometimes we see aunties, cousins, stepmoms, etc. invited, however depending on how many bridesmaids, moms and siblings that are involved, you may want to consider a separate getting ready space at that point. Depending on the size of the home or room you’re getting ready in, it can start to get a little cozy once you add in all of the stylists and their equipment as well.